BFOA Leadership Awards
Lowry Mays Excellence in Broadcasting Award
Chairman's Award
The BFOA Leadership Awards are given in recognition of career contributions to the broadcast industry and the community at-large.
The Lowry Mays Award for Excellence in Broadcasting is bestowed annually on an individual in broadcasting whose work exemplifies innovation, community service, advocacy, and entrepreneurship.
The Chairman's Award is chosen by the Foundation's current Chair and honors a broadcaster who has made a significant impact on the Broadcasters Foundation of America.
Lowry Mays Excellence in Broadcasting Honorees
Richard D. Buckley
Erica Farber
Eddie Fritts
Stanley S. Hubbard
Cathy Hughes
Mel Karmazin
Dan Mason
Stu Olds
Ajit Pai
James H. Quello
Gordon Smith
Jeffrey H. Smulyan
Richard E. Wiley
Chairman's Award Honorees
Jim Delmonico
William Duhamel
Richard Foreman
Philip J. Lombardo
Tony Malara
William O’Shaughnessy
Ward L. Quaal
James B. Thompson
Leadership Award Honorees
Marcellus Alexander
Byron Allen
Joseph C. Amaturo
Leslie G. Arries
James G. Babb
David Barrett
George G. Beasley
Martin F. Beck
Richard L. Beesemyer
Jim Beloyianis
Robert M. Bennett
Larry Bentson
Philip R. Beuth
Joe Bilotta
Richard Bodorff
Don Bouloukos
Pierre Bouvard
Frank Boyle
Carl Brazell
Himan Brown
Marci Burdick
Bill Burton
Richard D. Buckley
Elizabeth Murphy Burns
Eduardo Caballero
Arthur W. Carlson
Richard W. Carlson
Carter Family
Dwight Case
Richard W. Chapin
Gary Chapman
Ed Christian
Bill Clark
Brian Cobb
Jules Cohen
Raymond Cole
Frank Comerford
Kerby Confer
John G. Conomikes
Thomas Cookerly
Don Curtis
John David
Jean Dietze
John Dille
John Dimling
Richard D. Dudley
James E. Duffy
Erica Farber
Dick Ferguson
Joseph M. Field
Michael Fiorile
Andrew Fisher
Alvin G. Flanagan
Richard A. Foreman
Clint Formby
Bob Fox
Skip Finley
Alan Frank
Eddie Fritts
Gary Fries
Robert “Doc” Fuller
James Gabbert
James F. Goodmon
Herbert A. Granath
Mark Gray
James L. Greenwald
Ralph Guild
Kim Guthrie
Richard H. Harris
Wade H. Hargrove, Esq.
Ragan A. Henry
Scott Herman
Hal Jackson
Paul Karpowicz
Traug Keller
David Kennedy
Kraig Kitchin
Harry Jessell
Steve Jones
Kathleen Kirby
N. Scott Knight & the Knight Family
Weezie Kramer
Erwin G. Krasnow
Barbara A. Kreisman
Steve Lanzano
Jerry Lee
Rush Limbaugh
Walter Liss
David Lougee
Mickey Luckoff
Leo MacCourtney
Jane Mago
Patrick Maines
Pierson G. Mapes
Al Masini
Dan Mason
Lowry Mays
Herb McCord
Paul McTear
Bill McElveen
Mike McKinnon
Mike McVay
Bruce Morrow
Dawson “Tack” Nail
Deborah Norville
Ralph Oakley
Tom Oakley
Michael Oatman
Debra OConnell
Charles Osgood
Harry J. Pappas
Deborah Parenti
Larry Patrick
David Poltrack
I. Martin Pompadur
Frances W. Preston
Al Primo
Mary Quass
Heidi Raphael
Bruce T. Reese
B. Eric Rhoads
Timothy Robertson
John Rouse
Jack Sander
Mick Schafbuch
James A. Schulke
Robert Sillerman
Cary Simpson
Harry B. Smart
Lester M. Smith
Patricia C. Smullin
Jeffrey H. Smulyan
Peter Smyth
Perry Sook
Dean Sorenson
Diane Sutter
Dennis Swanson
Bob Schmidt
The Taishoff Family
Julie Talbott
Marlin Taylor
Sherril W. Taylor
The Tichenor Family
Christine Travaglini
William F. Turner
Nick Verbitsky
Cecil Walker
Bud Walters
Jeff Warshaw
Donald V. West
Virginia Pate-Wetter
Dennis Wharton
Margita White
Nancy C. Widmann
Larry Wilson
W. Russell Withers, Jr
K. James Yager