Jolene’s Story

Jolene Baller is a radio broadcasting veteran with over 40 years of experience. She suffers from an autoimmune disease that causes painful sores and inflammation on her legs. She is unable to work to support herself and her family. On top of Jolene’s medical condition, she is the primary caretaker of her adult son who suffers from cerebral palsy.
In 2019, at the encouragement of her broadcasting colleagues, Jolene applied for a monthly grant from the Broadcasters Foundation of America. After a thorough review of her case, she was approved for a grant to help cover her family’s medical bills and housing costs.
Recently, Jolene shared a message of thanks with the Foundation, “My son, Joe, and I remember [the BFOA] in our prayers daily. My first 20 years of full-time radio I made great money! When Joe turned 10, he had double leg surgery. He was born with cerebral palsy. I had to either make a lot more money to hire care or I had to make him my full-time job. I chose to become a full-time mom/caregiver, while being a part-time weekend jock along with two other part-time jobs!
Joe turned 30 recently and is the happiest guy I know. It made me realize that I have no idea what I would’ve done five years ago when I got so ill with this stupid chronic disease. Because of your BFOA grant, I am able to get necessary medicine, pay my bills on time ,and enjoy some BREATHING ROOM! We are grateful beyond words.”
-Jolene Baller & Joseph Swarthout